Managing your stress level and your health, especially in the middle of a pandemic, is more important than ever before. Here are some things we recommend to stay strong and healthy.
Not meeting your own needs is a guaranteed way to start feeling the symptoms of burnout.
So, make it a priority to figure out how to take some time just for you. Maybe you’ll get up early for a workout, take a lunch break and get outside for a few minutes to regroup, or clock out a few minutes early to get in a quick walk before dinner. Just make sure it's something you enjoy.

If you are managing homeschooling on top of working from home, a schedule is crucial to your success.
Knowing when you’ll be working and when you’ll be doing other things keeps you from feeling like you’re working 24/7 with no breaks in between.
Some Questions to Consider: -When is your personal time to take care of yourself? -When are kids’ school times? -When is work time? -What is your hard stop time each day?
Give yourself G R A C E.
If you want to clock out early, take a Thursday off, or go on a short vacation, you should. Make both yourself and your family a priority. Remember that even if you have a bad day and don’t accomplish what you want to, or you end up working way too much, tomorrow is another day. Pay attention to the days that go well and the days that don’t so you can learn from them and make improvements for the future.